It's summer and while the kids are having fun, it's been a little more tough on mom. I'm having to navigate a new mental health diagnosis, med changes and therapy in my weekly and daily routines. I wish every day could be like this photo, but it just isn't. My brain won't let every day run like this. Finding the positives in the day to day has been a challenge at times. I know I'm not the only one who deals with this, and for those of you who are in this same boat, I'm sending you a million hugs.
I want my children to see a mom that is present, and mostly happy day to day. I don't want them to see me struggle as I do. I don't want my life to forever be tethered to meds and how THEY make me feel. Trying to maintain this happiness and normal is really exhausting sometimes. How do you do it? What helps you feel normal when mentally you are just done?
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