Monday, July 14, 2014

It's been too long! I'm back!

I'm such a bad blogger. I've been, well, busy. We all have these times that keep us from doing something we once enjoyed doing. These were some of those times. Also, I just wasn't feeling like blogging. I have never been what you would call a great blogger. I don't always word things right, and a lot of times I ramble. Writing has definitely never been a forte of mine. As I always tell you after not blogging for some time, I will try. I'm thinking that I don't set realistic goals for myself. Weekly posts might just be the way to go, and not focus them on just my artwork. How about I make the posts about what is going on in my world at the time? I'm thinking I can handle that a bit better. :)

Ok, now that my initial rambling is out of the way, I can share with you the full projects I created for the first issue of Scrap n' Art Online Magazine I contributed to. The April Issue was the debut issue for a few of us new designers. Here are my creations from the April Issue: 

I'm really enjoying being on this Design Team. Going down to one team was a good decision. Keeping up with team obligations is a lot easier with one team, and it's really organized to boot, so I'm very pleased.

As far as other news in my life, we have been doing a lot of hiking the past few months, and getting a lot of time in at various state parks within 60 miles or so. Keith and I are really loving exploring Missouri's natural beauty. There are some great parks near us, and after we went on some good hikes, we checked a hiking book out of the library. We found even more great hikes in it...

We kept it for the duration we could from the library and then checked it out again! Finally, we decided to buy it. If you are local to STL, and love the outdoors and hiking, then I highly suggest this book. It goes with us on all of our hikes that we do from it. We still haven't gotten to all of the hikes, which is nice. Not to mention that most of the parks and places listed have multiple trails anyway, so the book is going to take a long time to finish. If you are interested in the book, here is the link: 

Tomorrow I will share some photos from some of our recent hikes that we chose from the book. For now, I am off to bed! 

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